This weekend my dining companion Debbie and I were out sifting through local estates for treasure and we found ourselves in the part of Portland that is the changeover from Northeast Portland to North Portland. It is a part of the city that has seen a significant effort to reclaim it from the rundown ghetto to which it was devolving. It was early afternoon and we were the kind of hungry that one finds themselves when coffee and a doughnut is all of the nourishment that we had experienced that particular day.
I had only the day before accidentally stumbled upon the website of a eat and drinkery in that part of the city and was eager to give it a try. I mean, that is what this "Dining In the Dark blog" is all about, right?
Well apparently, Debbie was just hungry enough to follow my lead so we parked the "rig" and strolled right into the Breakside Brewery like a couple of rockstars.
The place had a fun, homey kind of atmosphere and the sign at the door said "Seat Yourself" so like the rockstars that we were beginning to believe we were, we did just that.
With almost no wait at all, a smiling and cheerful waitress came over and asked if she could bring us something to quench our powerful thirst while we perused the menu. We made our orders and continued to look over the menu. There were more than a few things that I wanted to try but I decided to go with the Pulled Pork Sandwich.
Debbie chose the Blackened Chicken Burger.
I really enjoyed my selection, Debbie reported that hers was really spicy. Her tolerance of spice is somewhat limited and I never got to taste her sandwich so I can't give a second opinion. She did say it was good so I'll have to go with that.
The bottom line is that it was a good experience and if I am in that neighborhood when the "hungry" hits me, I will not be hesitant to enter the doors of the Breakside Brewery again.